Monday, October 1, 2007

information about DNA

1. What is DNA?

-. The blueprint of life, a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organism.

2. What are the 4 bases?

-The four bases are adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine.

3. What 2 pieces of information did the scientists need to solve the elusive structure of DNA?

-. Phosphate backbone was on the outside with bases on the inside but another that the molecule was a double helix.

4. What are the specific base pairs?

-A.T.G and C. The amount of adenine always equals the amount of thymine. The same goes for the pair guanine and cytosine. For example, human DNA contains about 30 percent each of adenine and thymine, and 20 percent each of guanine and cytosine.

- 5. How does the pairing rule effect the shape and structure of DNA?

- Adenine-thymine pair that make a 2 hydrogen bond and cytosine-guanine pair that make a 3-hydrogen bond. if the bases were paired when the adenine-thymine bond was exactly as long as the cytosine-guanine bond, each rung of the twisted ladder in the helix would be of equal length, and the sugar-phosphate backbone would be smooth..

6. What does the DNA do during cell division?

-during the cell division, the DNA molecule is able to “unzip” into two pieces.

7. How many base pairs does E. Coli have? How long does it take to replicate? How is the DNA packaged in the cell?

-it has about 4,639,221 base pairs and takes about 40 minutes to replicate. E. coli is package in the DNA as eukaryotic chromosomes are into the nucleus cell.

8. How many base pairs does Human DNA have? How long does it take to replicate? How is the DNA packaged in the cell?

- human has 3 billion base pairs DNA, it making up a total of almost 12 to 24hours of DNA in every cell in our body , and human DNA is packaged in 23 distinct chromosome pairs nucleus cell.

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