Thursday, October 11, 2007

chapter 4-Critical thinking

During the day, algae carry out both photosynthesis and respiration, but at night , when there is no light, they can only perform respiration. Samll ,isolated tide pools on rocky shores are often inhabited by thick growths of seaweeds, which are algae.Would you expect the amount of oxygen in the water to differ between night and day ? how ?

-The amount of oxygen in the water is very different between night time and day time. Ex: fishes always deep in the water in the day time, but some of them swim around surface of the pool. The reason is that oxygen is very low on the night time under the water. Also, in photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water are used to make glucose. The energy for this process comes from sunlight and oxygen is given off as a by-product. So, the plant like Algae looked like dark color on the night time but looked very green on the day time.

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