Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Saturday Video Report about Sponage

  1. What organism is thought to be the first multi-cellular animal?

- sponage

  1. How is it the same (3ex) and differ (3ex) form animal today?

- Different: no mouth, brain and bone.

- Same: has gene, cell, and need water and protein called collagen to survive.

  1. How do scientists know it’s an animal?

- The reason scientists believe it is an animal because it is alive and which need to sucking water filtering out food particles and pump water to its cells to be alive.

  1. What evidence do scientists have to prove that other animal (multi-cellular) evolved from this organism?

- Scientist discuss that sponage maybe an ancestry for all animals because all animals on sponage to make its shape and form. Also, scientists did and many DNA test for the sponage and they think it is much faster and easier based of entire animal. Ex: when the scientist did the test, they find the cell of sponage can find out their group and make a new shape very fast!!

  1. What more do you want to know?

- I want to know how to this organism be find and in which year? Also, I would like to know is there anything else just as sponage in the world? And what happened if put them in a container without sea water?

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