Seals are carnivorous marine mammals that have fins or flippers instead of feet. There are three families of seals; the Eared Seals, True Seals and the Walrus. Seals are widely distributed throughout the marine environment of the arctic and temperate zones including a few tropical species of seals such as the monk seal. Seal is a marine mammal that spends most of its life in the sea, but also enjoys sunbathing on rocks or on the beach. Seals have a life span of about 25 to 30 years
Seals unique
All three families of seals possess a neat adaptation to their aquatic habitat. Unlike their ancestors, seals live most of their life in the sea. They only move onto land (shores or ice floes) for breeding, raising their young and escaping from predators.
Eared seals
The eared seals have long, flexible necks and small external ears. They have rear flippers that can turn forward. This feature enables them to support their body on land and they can use all of their limbs on land. Sea lions and fur seals are the two types of seals that make up this group.
Seal has short, thick fur, grows to be up to 6.5 feet (2 m) long and can weigh up to 375 pounds (170 kg). The whiskers (called vibrissae) help the seal's sense of touch. The nostrils are closed in the resting state.
Blubber is a thick layer of vascular fat found under the skin of all cetaceans, pinnipeds and sirenians. It covers the whole body, except for the appendages, loosely attached to the musculature. It can comprise up to 50% of the body mass of some marine mammals during some points in their lives. Blubber serves several different functions, it is the primary area of fat on marine mammals, and essential for storing energy.
Seals are carnivores (meat-eaters); they eat mostly mollusks (like squid and calms), fish, and crustaceans. Seals don't chew their food. They swallow it in large chunks. They can crush the shells of crustaceans and mollusks with their flat back teeth.
Seal often come ashore or haul out on ice to breed, often travelling long distances from their feeding grounds to suitable mating grounds with a high level of reproductive synchrony. Almost males breed with up to several dozen females in a season. Females have a postpartum oestrus them to mate soon after giving birth. Subsequent implantation of the embryo is delayed (embryonic diapause) thus removing the need to come ashore (haul-out) twice, once to give birth and again later to mate.
Lion !
The lion is the second largest feline after the tiger. With powerful legs, a strong jaw, and long canine teeth, the lion can bring down and kill large prey. Lion coloration varies f
rom light buff to yellowish, reddish or dark ochraceous brown. The underparts are generally lighter and the tail tuft is black. The color of the mane varies from blond to black.
Lion- anatomy
The many fetters of a lion’s face that appear over its life die to fights, hunting and various activities. The Ear notches would be due to fighting and usually the scars will be from fighting or hinting of more dangerous prey such as
Internal system of lion
The Heart is positioned in a place which is effectively under the lions chin making it hard for it to be damaged in a fight, the balance of blood between the brain and legs allows short bursts of speed to occur when in the hunt though these bursts of speed are short in duration it doesn't take the Lion long to re-gain its "breath".
The lion's prey consists mainly of large mammals, with a preference for wildebeest, impalas, zebras, buffalo,and warthogswil in Africa and nilgai, wild boars and several deer species in
Most lionesses will have reproduced by the time they are four years of age.Lions do not mate at any specific time of year, and the females are polyestrous. Like other cats, the male lion's penis has spines which point backwards. Upon withdrawal of the penis, the spines rake the walls of the female's vagina, which may cause ovulation.A female may mate with more than one male when she is in heat; during a mating bout, which could last several days, the couple copulates twenty to forty times a day and are likely to forgo hunting. Lions reproduce very well in captivity.
- Seal is different than other mammals in land, because they live in the sea all the time by the blubber in their body. They can stay on the rock sometimes but they don’t have lags to walk or run on the land as other mammals do.

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