That’s the first lab observation this semester and I learn lot of things that day!! The world is big and something is really imagined. We just take really a little sample from the fish container then find something really different. Also, the letter E can be looked like 3 letters, the hair also is imagine. But most unforgettable memories is that from some student’s observation I saw there are some things are moving around, they are small but they have legs and circle around goes very fast. Also, there is something just like crab and which has shell and can open and close all the time, yet funny things it was gone without any reason to guess. The most scare things is when a classmate call me to see his wonderful observation , when I just close to the eye glass ,there is something like while and long tall fly to me. That’s really scared and the thing is just like the dirty monster in the movie. Although I know that thing is small and we can’t see it by eyes but I still feel disgusting and scared of it. That’s really different day for me and I think I should be becareful next time when I swim in the ocean, because I don’t know what over there and what will happen to me. I still feel cold and scared when I think the thing’s tall jump up to me, although that was died latterly that day but I still don’t want to see …-_-
Monday, September 24, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
current map

- Current can affect the marine organisms efficiently. The reason is that the currents can change the water temperature when it circulates to the ocean all the time. When the water temperature gets changed, the food net and organism’s population on the ocean will get change, too.
2. The primary factor influencing ocean currents is temperature regulation. What might happen to the ocean currents (and has happened in the past) as global warming increases?
- if the temperature get changed unregulated which will cause the ocean currents as global warming increase, then, there maybe cause ice age just as Greenland over the past 100,000 years .
3. Explain how density changes cause currents. Use Google image to find a world map. Copy and paste into paint and use the drawing tools to create the currents and label them.
- All the time, if the water changes to cold it will up to the surface then the dense will cause current.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Saturday Video Report about Sponage
- What organism is thought to be the first multi-cellular animal?
- sponage
- How is it the same (3ex) and differ (3ex) form animal today?
- Different: no mouth, brain and bone.
- Same: has gene, cell, and need water and protein called collagen to survive.
- How do scientists know it’s an animal?
- The reason scientists believe it is an animal because it is alive and which need to sucking water filtering out food particles and pump water to its cells to be alive.
- What evidence do scientists have to prove that other animal (multi-cellular) evolved from this organism?
- Scientist discuss that sponage maybe an ancestry for all animals because all animals on sponage to make its shape and form. Also, scientists did and many DNA test for the sponage and they think it is much faster and easier based of entire animal. Ex: when the scientist did the test, they find the cell of sponage can find out their group and make a new shape very fast!!
- What more do you want to know?
- I want to know how to this organism be find and in which year? Also, I would like to know is there anything else just as sponage in the world? And what happened if put them in a container without sea water?
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Lab reports
Lab reports:
1. What are acids and bases?
-Acid: a substance that produced Hydrogen ion in water solution. The hydrogen ions were hydrated as Hydronium ions.
Base: a substance that produced Hydroxide ion in water solution.
- A molecule is the smallest particle in a chemical element or compound that has the chemical
properties of that element or compound.
- Most organisms are live in the ocean need a pH solution between 5.0 and 9.0. The chemical components in seawater can make change to PH. If the PH is lower this will effect to animals which conclude corals, mollusks and crustaceans. Most of organisms live in the water dependent on calcium carbonate, increase acidity threatens their survival. PH with calcium carbonate is very important for organisms like corals, mollusks and crustaceans that make shells. PH is important because it can be a part of reason causes the sea organism decreases or increases with the high and low levels.
- An ion is an atom or group of bonded atoms which have lost or gained one or more electrons, making them negatively or positively charged. Bread hole:
First, add three scoops of yeast to the tube. Second, add 3 scoops of sugar to the tube, because sugar is food for the yeast. Third, fill the tube three fourths full with warm water. Fourth, use the stick to stir the yeast and sugar into the water, keep stirring until the water is the same color as the yeast and wait for about one hour. Use the flashlight on the side of the tube then you can see very small and tiny bubbles streaming up the side of the tube. The reason is that the yeast is a living thing that feeds and also breaks sugar molecules apart to a new molecule. The carbon dioxide gas molecules make tiny bubbles. That is the reason why we can see the bread with hole because when the bubbles get baked and it will broken to a hole.
1. What gas causes the bubbles?
-Trapped air and argon gas cause bubbles.
- Gas is produced by the anaerobic decay of non-fossil organic material, which is just as swamps, landfills, and marshes.
- CO2 is absorbed by the tiny ocean plants (Phytoplankton) because these plants need get iron from carbon dioxide.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
a. What is tidal range?
-The difference in water about high and low tides level.
b. What causes high and low tides?
- High tides caused when the earth spins on its axis and the point like the flag alternates between under a bulge. Low tides caused when the earth spins being between the bulges.
c. What causes Spring and Neap tides?
-spring tides caused when the sun and moon are in a line to each other, and it always
happen during the new moon getting full.
-neap tides caused when the sun and moon are at right angles their effects partially cancel
each other and it always appeared when the moon is in the first and third quarters.
d. How does tidal range effect the types of organisms and the shape and size of the organisms?
-tidal changed effect the organisms living in the ocean and all the organism have to adap to the tidal change time to get survive. Tidal ranges effect of channels, reefs, basins, and animals. For example, last Saturday I went to Ladder beach around 5 pm , during the time local people come to the beach to pick up the died shrimps float from the ocean . Why these shrimps died? The reason is that they can not jump over the high tide so the high tide hit them to death. Also, from the textbook, it described that grunions are laying eggs during the heights tides because they need to reach the upper parts of the beach to take a good plot to lay their eggs.High tide time is good form grunions to continue their populations